Mirlo y mirla?
Dos mirlas?
Dos mirlos?
Que sin vivir!!
Los pajareros mas ilustres de mi agenda de contactos dicen esto:
Hala, pues ya sabes.
La mirla to el rato ahi plantada.
Yo había leído que se turnaban en la incubación pero al padre de las criaturas o no lo hemos pillado o anda de picos pardos, nunca mejor dicho…
Cada epoca tiene sus cosas maravillosas. Este es un momento ideal para fijarse en los pajaritos que andan haciendo nidos o para leerles cuentos de animales a tus hij@s como este:
Si a tu hij@ o alumn@s les apetece pintar un milo u otro pajarito cualesquiera, igual le apetece participar en mi concurso de pajaritos. Aqui:
Al ganador le enviaré un cuento de Bombyx dedicado.
Un abrazo
I asked my most illustrious bird friends if it was the same specimen or male and female.
The answer was unanimous.
The female was just sitting there all the time.
I had read that they took turns in the incubation but the father of the creatures or we have not caught him or he is in brown beaks, never better said ....
Every season has its wonderful things. This is an ideal time to look at the little birds that are making nests or to read animal stories to your children like this one:
Bombyx, el gusano de seda (Spanish) Bombyx, the silkworm (English)
If your child or students would like to paint a milo or any other bird, maybe they would like to participate in my bird contest. Click here:
I will send the winner a dedicated Bombyx story.
A big hug